AP Physics Journal 28

This law will be about Kirchoff’s law and circuits. Kirchoff’s law states that elctrons charges can not be created or destroyed. There are two types of circuits, those being simple and circuit. Simple circuits have no resistors and complex ciruits are just more complex versions of simple circuits.

AP Physics Journal 27

This journal will cover Resistance and power. The equation for resistivity is R = L/A.  is the resistivity of the wire, L is the length and A is the cross-sectional area. The symbol is omega and the unit is OHMs which is the physical property of the material. Power is often represented by the equations of P = IV and V = IR.

AP Physics Journal 26

This journal with cover Voltage, Current,. Voltage is the potential difference (EMF, Electric Motive Force) V = W/Q with W being work, Q being a charge, and of course, V being voltage. Current is the flow of electron per unit time. Current is symbolized by “I” and the unit is the Amp.

AP Physics Journal 25

This journal will be continuing on electrostatics. when you are creating charges you are only able to transfer away or bring in electrons. In order to calculate the transfer of charge, you divide coulomb by the charge of an electron. When you are sketching fields for charges Arrows go away from “+” and to the “-“. The electric fields never cross and test charges should always be positive.

AP Physics Journal 24

Today in AP Physics we learned about Electrostatics. This post will be about the basics of electrostatics. Electrostatics are measured in Coulombs which is symbolized by “C”. Charges are based on electrons and the charge of is 1.60 E -19.  The equation to find current is I = Q/t with I being Current, Q being charge and t being time.

AP Latin Translation

This document is the culmination of Patrick Casey, a fellow student, and I’s five years of Latin from level 1 to AP. This Document has Many passages from Vergil’s The Aeneid and Caesar’s A Call To Conquest. It also has test prep and motivational phrases that kept us going through this arduous journey.

AP Physics Journal 23

This week we learned about the forces of nature in the world. those being the following:

  1. Gravity
  2. Electroweak Force ( which used to be two separate things called the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force)
  3. Strong

These three Natural forces are the things that we can base all of our physics problems and ideas around.

AP Physics Journal 22

A huge Topic we covered this mod was Circular motion. Circular Motion is just being on forces and free body diagrams but can take problems to a whole new level. This is because once you have a firm understanding of circular motion you can incorporate torque and static equilibrium problems. The big thing you need to know in order to solve these problems is the radius and the angular acceleration.

AP Physics Journal 21

for this entry, I am going to touch on Torques further. The magnitude of torque equation is t = r(Perpendicular)F. It is important to remember that at least one of the forces has to be perpendicular to each other because if it weren’t there would be no torque.  The moment of inertia equation is symbolized as t = I∝.